

This past Saturday, we had friends over for “Friendsgiving” – basically Thanksgiving dinner with friends! I borrowed the idea from another friend and we’ve had the event on and off for the past couple of years. I decided to host this year and was super excited to have everyone over to enjoy good wine, food and friends!  Tanner and I were in charge of the turkey and some of the sides, and everyone brought something to share.  Sweatpants were the dresscode…it was a fun, relaxing night!

The night before Friendsgiving- Tanner brined the turkey. We picked up a  brine mix at Creative Kitchen in the mall. The brine mixture called for a jug of apple cider (yum). The turkey sat in the brine for about 14 hours.

The “queen of lists” made sure there was a special Friendsgiving list!

I stuffed the turkey with aromatics – fresh sage & rosemary, apples, onions and cinnamon. It smelled heavenly!  Below you’ll see the turkey sitting in the brine – not a pretty picture – but we definitely recommend brining! It makes the turkey so tender and moist!!

As I was busy prepping food, cooking and running around trying to get photos of everything – my dogs watched in awe, thinking – “how does she do it?”.   😉  Just kidding.  They were also busy watching for food to hit the floor and running to the window every 10 minutes to check on the squirrel situation in our backyard!

I managed to set up 12 place settings (before everyone arrived!). Loved the green hydrangeas!

I made cheese balls for an appetizer – a recipe that has been passed on from a friend. You make a base mixture and divide it into three portions. I decided to only tackle two flavors, a orange/sharp cheddar/cranberry/chutney cheese ball, and a scallion/goat cheese/parsley cheese ball. They were delish!

There’s nothing better than a great dinner party with friends! So thankful to have them all in our lives! 🙂

Here are a few shots of all of the food.  I’m so excited to eat this same meal again tomorrow! 🙂

Three of my Thanksgiving favorites – homemade buns, my fav cranberry recipe, and of course a good glass of red! 🙂

I love this photo as Tanner is doing an inspection of the turkey in the back. It turned out great!

One of our friends makes cakes as a little side business/hobby. We’re lucky to know her! Look at the adorable (and delicious cake!). “Cake Boss” as Tanner calls her – is super talented! Email me if you’re interested in her services!

Everyone brought dessert!! Definitely not complaining…but needless to say we were pretty stuffed! We made sure everyone got a plate – chocolate cake, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and a delish berry dessert!

One more – it was a busy day for little Griffin! 🙂

Looking forward to next year’s “Friendsgiving” already! 🙂


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